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Objectives - Knowledge - Region A network for the commercialization and integration of satellite applications in leisure time and tourism. The professed ambition of the innovation forum is to analize the technical and economic framework requirements for mobile touristic applications on the basis of the players input and to develop precise scope of actions and specifications for an all-embracing harmonisation on the basis of sustainable business models. Thereto the following steps will be undertaken:
The advantages for all of the active participates of the innovation forum M-S-N-I are obviously:
Both of the target groups of the forum benfit from the optimized, Europe-wide communication of the integrated applications. Knowledge is communication The state of Brandenburg and the whole region put a considerable potential at the success of M-S-N-I´s disposal. This potential is, however, not self-perpetuating. For this reason the innovation forum provides all players the opportunity to exchange themselves with other market participants and to search together for new approaches and solutions surpassing beyond the own capabilities. The established enterprises of the geoinformation industry and the ICT sector provide powerful applications and services in relevant business segments. In addition there are universities and advanced technical colleges, which are working together interdisciplinary with the local networks on new solutions and innovative ideas. The growth market of tourism in the state of Brandenburg and the neighbouring regions is a central field of application for originating solutions and services. But all of that is nothing without the users and target groups. That´s why M-S-N-I will involve providers, users and potential markets into the professional discussion from the outset. Get involved t o d a y for the market of tomorrow. The tourism is, even in Brandenburg, an important economic factor that is increasing importance. Universities, enterprises and advanced technical colleges deliver substantial methods and enabling technologies for the mobile, satellite-based navigation. In this region exists an exceptionally efficient research environment. Relevant facilities for example are the "Geoforschungszentrum Potsdam” (GFZ), the "Hasso-Plattner-Institute for Softwaresystem-Technology” at the University of Potsdam (HPI) or the "Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildenau” (TFH). With these already active regional networks and the involved enterprises the knowledge of all contents and technologies can be found, that is needed for the mobile, satellite-based navigation. |
Projektkoordination: Projektpartner: assoziierte Partner: Das Projekt "Mobile semantische Navigation und Information" -MSNI - wird gefördert durch die Innovationsinitiative des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung für die Neuen Länder. |
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